We've already seen some substantial additions to the Measure Studio platform in 2024 in the form of new features, more metrics, and a few operational optimizations.
New Features
Let's start with the big stuff. Also known as the money beets.

Custom Metric Builder
Wish you had more metrics? Not anymore. Now you can custom build any metric you like that isn’t natively supported.
These can be across platforms, accounts, groups, and more. If you can imagine it, you can measure it.

Here's a closer look at a specific example.

Post Group Trends
See First X Days performance and averages for any Post Groups metric, as well as how it's changing over time.

This will optimize and expedite analysis you're doing manually right now, and is perfect for shows, campaigns, formats, and more.
Post Groups Head-to-Head Comparisons
One of our most requested features ever lets you measure Post Groups directly against one another.

Once again this is ideal for direct comparisons of brands, campaigns, shows, producers, characters, content, pretty much anything!
More AI Analysis
All Measure Studio plans now include AI-powered tagging for images, link previews, and video thumbnails.
You can also now automatically organize posts with images based on objects, activities, celebrities, text, and more.

Tagging Permissions
Specify which team members can add tags to a single post, in bulk across posts, or manage your tag library.

Optimizations and Updates
Up next are a few quality of life improvements in our quest to save a little bit of sanity for our friends in social.
Total followers are now available in per-account tables
Export dashboard tables to spreadsheets with one click
Expedited reports with sticky slide deck selections
Right click to open posts in new tabs
Re-naming Post Groups made simple
New Metrics
Finally, more Meta metrics are now available to add to your Measure Studio dashboard, Post Groups, and reports.
New Reels count 🎞️
Average video watch time 🍿
Views per unique 👁️
Ad fill rate 💸
Total Reels watch time 📽️
Average Reels watch time ⏱️
Organic shares for all post types 🌱
That's it for Q1, but we'll be back again soon. In the meantime, if there's something you want to see in one of our future updates we'd love to hear about it.